About Us

How Embark was Born

Sharing a passion for pursuing mental health normalcy beyond just a single clinic, Embark Mental Health seeks to spread this message on a community level. Our goal is to have mental health considered as a part of overall general health much like seeing a primary care doctor, dentist, or optometrist.

We know each journey has its own set of obstacles to overcome—always changing and growing. The concept of fledglings taking flight really resonated with our team. For the young birds, it’s scary to take the leap but once flying, they are free. The fear is a memory, and now they are soaring. Embarking on a mental health journey is much like taking flight.

Our goal is to help you take flight. We do this because life has challenges where your thoughts and feelings may be clouded. Taking this leap is often times the hardest part; while on the other hand, it can also be a breath of fresh air. This is where our team comes in. You need a place to start on your journey. Embark on your path for change, soar into growth, and find strength within a sense of peace.

Let’s join hands and Embark on this journey together. Our team will guide you through the storm to the blue sky waiting for you above the clouds.


Our Team

Your wings already exist. All you have to do is fly.